Saturday, March 30, 2013

What IS Goddess Cafe?

One Day...

For the longest time, I've had this desire to have a cafe of my own..and not just any cafe, a Goddess Cafe featuring non gmo, organic, vegan, gluten & soy free yummylicious food and desserts. It would be THE place where people congregated, gathered and connected. The Center where enlightened souls divulged in orgasmic morsels and discussed their current spiritual practice(s) or latest novel being voraciously devoured. 
It would be a space where spiritual nourishment transcended from a 'practice' to a work of art such as tonight's dessert served in a wine glass: drizzled chocolate love sauce on the inside, a bottom layer of the special yoni berry sorbet, layered with ice cream and topped off with chopped up banana and yes! more chocolate sauce. Special chants, prayers and crystals were used. The end result? Total surrender for your taste buds and comfort food that essentially was intended to activate a mind, body, heart connection. 

Who says you can't have an 'experience' while satiating your appetite?
And if there are skeptics and naysayers present, I'd like to invite you to try some Yonilicious Chocolate Love sauce if you're up to it...for that, my sweeties, is one of the reasons why the Goddess Cafe came into fruition. :0)

The Premise:
Until a proper location is secured, the Goddess Cafe is mobile and travels within Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties.  However, traveling not only domestically but internationally is a possibility for the future. Most items are purchased from our local farmers markets and made with more love than the world has people. Seriously. 
Food is prepared and served at the designated Goddess House. Typically, The Goddess Chef chooses a theme and creates a menu. We gather together, eat, laugh 'til our bellys hurt and our tummys are filled to capacity. 

Who We Are:
We are Conscious Women co-creating and sharing our Gifts. We are a network of Spiritual BEings whom love to cook, connect, share, laugh, support and live healthy lifestyles.  We are passionate about so many different causes ranging from health, environment, politics, animal rights/activism, feminism, spirituality, and alternative healing to name a few.

Our Intention:
We feel that the choices we make and the steps we take directly reflect who we are and what we stand for. To BE healthy is to Live healthy and in order to do that, being mindful of what we put into our bodies is one of our top priorities. And we'd like to share our Love of Good Food and our hearts with You! We offer collaborative dinners, potlucks, and presentations.  Not to mention edible, educational and entertaining workshops showing you how easy it can be to eat with heartfelt and healthy intentions.

And, guess what? It's only the BEginning! :0)

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